The details in these pages are for informative purposes only. If you wish to attempt any of these projects yourself, you do so at your own risk. Whilst these pages provide information as to how I carried out the various projects (on my 2002 Model Year Petrol RHD X-Type) the same may not always be applicable to your vehicle.
If attempting to carry out any of the retrofits on my site, please remember that you do so at your own risk. Please ensure you know what you are doing as this is not a support site. The information is only provided from my own personal experience. If you require any advice concerning upgrades, or anything else Jaguar related, then is a great place to go.
Parts needed:
Note: If you are not planning to use the RCCM and fit a touchscreen/navigation unit, ensure you get the correct Climate Control Panel for your vehicle. If you have a heated windscreen then you will need to get the climate control panel with the front heated windscreen button. Even if you don't have a heated windscreen you can still fit the Climate Control Panel with the button. It won't do any harm and you could even fit a heated windscreen if you ever need to replace your windscreen, as you would then only need to install a relay in the engine bay fusebox and ensure 2 fuses are fitted and working.
Sunload Sensor: A solar (sunload) sensor is not required as this was removed in later revisions of the X-Type and deemed not to be necessary. There was even a Technical Service Bulletin (XT412-01) issue by Jaguar in March 2004 detailing the process of removing the sensor and cable-tying the wires out of the way in order to resolve a rattle. Omitting it now has absolutely no impact on the operation of the climate control system. The TSB states: "Removal of the sunload sensor does not reduce the functionality of the air conditioning or climate control systems. The vehicle is now in line with current X-TYPE production vehicles."
Internal/Cabin Temperature Sensor pin-out
The cable colours in the steps below refer to the harness to sensor socket wires. The colours change from the plug to the sensor.
Cabin Temp Sensor - Pin | Cabin Temp Sensor, Socket - Colour | Cabin Temp Sensor, Plug - Colour | RCCM 'White' Plug IP101, Pin |
1 | BLACK | WHITE/GREEN | 17 |
2 | WHITE | BROWN/GREEN | 16 |
Step by Step:
External ambient temperature sensor
The connections for the ambient temperature sensor can be accessed from the blue plug at bottom right of the passenger fuse box, pins 9 and 10. These connect to pins 19 and 17 respectively (although it doesn't matter which way round you connect these) on the white plug going into the climate control panel or RCCM.
Alternatively, you could run new cables through the rubber grommet from the engine bay that comes through behind the passenger (RHD) fusebox. If doing this you must ensure that you minimise the risk of water entering the passenger compartment.
Project: Retrofit of Touchscreen and Jaguar Navigation System
This project is copyright © 2018-2025 All Rights Reserved.